Are you aware?

Puerto Rico DOH recently opened licensing for virtual manufacturers & distributors

Are you aware?

State license renewals for New Jersey are due January 31st

Are you aware?

MA BOP began granting non-resident pharmacy licenses as of January 1st, 2025

Are you aware?

State license renewals for Virginia are due on February 23rd

Client Registration


We require that all clients register with LighthouseAI, a Pharma Solutions company, using the form below before any product or services are purchased. Please complete all of the  required information.


Registration for the LighthouseAI Purchase Program does not obligate you to make a purchase. You may register for the Program or request that LighthouseAI or its authorized resellers register you. In either case, you will receive an e-mail registration confirmation providing you with a registration number (your “contract number”) and a link to these terms enabling you to review the terms prior to purchase. Program terms are posted here: When you are ready to purchase, your submission of a purchase order under your contract number to LighthouseAI or an authorized LighthouseAI reseller constitutes your acceptance of the then current Program terms. In lieu of a purchase order, your submission of signed quote under your contract number from LighthouseAI or an authorized reseller shall have the same effect.

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