Are you aware?

Puerto Rico DOH recently opened licensing for virtual manufacturers & distributors

Are you aware?

MA BOP began granting non-resident pharmacy licenses as of January 1st, 2025

Are you aware?

State license renewals for Virginia are due on February 23rd

Reports Module

Four New Reports to Keep You Compliant, Schedule Your Renewals, and Estimate Your Fees .

With all of your state and federal regulatory data hosted in LighthouseAI platform, it’s now easy to pull reports for your facility information, expiring licenses, renewal fees for the year, and gap analyses comparing your active requirements with all the ones you need to complete. 

Drug Price Transparency

Requirements Gap Analysis

Identify any missing requirements that put you at risk with regulatory agencies. The LighthouseAI software will identify your regulatory requirements across all 52 state and federal jurisdictions and match them with your existing requirements. If any missing requirements place you in non-compliance, this report will let you know.  


Drug Price Transparency

Renewal Fee Forecasting

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The Renewal Fee report will provide an annual forecasting estimate for the amount your licensing renewals will cost in a given year. With all of your licenses stored in LighthouseAI, our database will tally up the fees for each licensing into an organized report for easy sharing.  

Requirement Expiration Tracking

The Requirement Expiration report allows you to identify and map out upcoming expiring licenses, requirements, and documents for all of your facilities. Forecast and prepare for upcoming requirement planning, team workloads, and strategy. Keep your team organized and prepared for upcoming regulatory maintenance and upkeep.  

Drug Price Transparency

Facility Overview

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The Facility Overview report collects all of the information typically needed to complete applications for regulatory agencies. Information for your designated representatives or officers, company tax id, square footage of your facility, and much more. Export this information to a .CSV or easily copy and paste it into your online applications. 

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