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In 2024, several states have passed drug takeback programs, new 340B requirements, and more

LighthouseAI Release Notes – 05/22/2024

LighthouseAI is constantly striving to improve the user experience. To that end, we regularly provide updates to the user interface, functionality, and add new features to the platform.

Below, please find the latest updates to the LighthouseAI Intelligence and LighthouseAI Management modules on this May 22nd, 2024 update.

User Guide Reminder

A quick reminder that LighthouseAI has a User Guide to help navigate all features and functionality within the LighthouseAI software platform.

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The May 22nd, 2024 Updates

Release Notes for LighthouseAITM v1.5.5.0 

Refer to the User Guide for additional details*  

Release Date: May 22nd, 2024                                                                                      

  • What’s New 


  • Documents can now be bulk-exported and compressed as a Zip file for extraction. Refer to the Documents section below for more information.
  • The newly enhanced, reactive sidebar menu offers improved navigation, facilitating seamless transitions between different LighthouseAI program modules. 
  • We have implemented a redesign of the Requirements Management user interface and experience, which is now simply called Management. For additional details, please see the Management section.
  • Tasks and Activities are now housed within the Activities page, which lives under Management.

User Profile  

  • The Help and User menu options have been moved to the bottom of the left navigation sidebar. From the Help menu, users can visit our Blog via Resources,
    Submit a Ticket, access the latest Release Notes, and consult our comprehensive User Guide. From the User menu, users can update their Personal Settings, Change their Password, and logout of the LighthouseAI application.

Management Dashboard 

  • The Management Dashboard is now in read-only mode. It will continue displaying all key performance indicators (KPIs) such as Requirement Status, Upcoming Renewals, Expiring Documents, and Tasks, as well as the Requirements Overview located beneath the Map. While users will not be redirected away from this page, the dashboard will maintain its engagement. Users can click on specific states to view detailed insights related to KPIs and Requirements.


  • Requirements are now housed under the newly enhanced Requirements page.
  • Introduced a new and improved dynamic Requirements Grid. Now, simply double-clicking on a Requirement opens the Requirements Hub.
  • Activities and Tasks are now grouped together in one place (Activities) for easier access, navigation and management. This mimics the same hierarchical
    Activities/Tasks interface in the Requirements Hub.
  • Auto-refresh is now active on the Requirements and Activities screens. Any changes made in the Requirements Hub are instantly reflected in real-time on the Requirements or Activities grid, eliminating the need for manual page refresh. Newly added interactive Management dashboard and view with dynamic filtering and sorting options based on the following parameters: Requirement Status, Expiration, and Activities. 
  • Hybrid clients can now also access the Hybrid Requirement checkbox via the Requirements Hub right below the Requirement Name.
  • We added a new Designated Representative or PIC (Pharmacist-in-Charge) and a Renewal Notification Interval (weeks) field to the Overview section in Requirements Hub. 
  • Newly added Management dashboard boxes feature dynamic filtering and sorting options on the Requirements and Activities pages. Users can filter and sort based on various parameters, including Requirement Status and Expiration on the Requirements page, as well as Activities, Tasks, and My Tasks on the Activities page.
  • Multi-select checkbox filters have been added to carefully filter Client/Company/Facility data in Requirements Management. This feature has been implemented with the goal of expanding the functionality of filters for a more thorough user-friendly experience. 
  • Custom Links and Intelligence Links have been integrated into the Requirements Hub, merging previous content from Related Links. Custom Links enable users to add relevant links that assist in managing a Requirement. Additionally, for users who utilize Intelligence, any Requirement linked to Intelligence will feature corresponding Intelligence Links. 
  • A new Export feature has been added that allows for Exporting currently viewed data. For instance, if you are viewing filtered data, such as a list of 88 Expired Requirements or Activities, the Export function will specifically export only that data. 
  • Tapping on Add Requirement unveils a user-friendly interface similar to the Requirements Hub, ensuring a consistent theme across the Management ecosystem. 
  • New Requirement Bulk editing capabilities have been added for Requirements, Activities, and Tasks. 
  • New lazy loading framework for Management data, allowing for dynamic retrieval of records. This enhancement not only reduces wait times and latency when accessing data records but also optimizes system performance by conserving resources and bandwidth. 

Reports Module 

  • No changes/updates 


  • No changes/updates


  • The Document Repository is now called Documents.
  • Implemented the ‘Compress as Zip File’ feature within the Documents module, enabling users to select multiple documents via Ctrl + Click and bulk-export them as a compressed Zip file., which can be locally extracted at any time. 
  • All license ‘wall hanger’ Documents, along with any other Documents from the Requirements Grid, have been migrated to the Documents module.

Company Profile

  • No changes/updates


  • No changes/updates 

Management Admin  

  • No changes/updates

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed issue where the Reports module would remain hidden when Users navigate through any section within the Intelligence module. 

Known Issues

  • If a new Requirement is added without selecting a Formal Requirement, the Renewal Notification Interval (weeks) field appears and remains on the newly added Requirement.
  • When a Formal Requirement is linked to a newly added Requirement, the Requirement Details tab will contain data in the Requirements page but not on the Activities page.

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