Are you aware?

Puerto Rico DOH has opened virtual orders for virtual manufacturers & distributors

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13 states have important upcoming licensing deadlines between November & December

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Are you aware?

In 2024, several states have passed drug takeback programs, new 340B requirements, and more

Last revised: May 1, 2023


Brand Guidelines



These Brand Guidelines (“Guidelines”) apply to partners, licensees, developers, customers, and authorized resellers who wish to use the trademarks or service marks (“Marks”) of Pharma Solutions USA, Inc., dba LighthouseAI (“LighthouseAI”). The Guidelines also apply to LighthouseAI employees and contractors acting outside the scope of their employment. Any unauthorized or improper use of the Marks may constitute infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal, state, and international laws. Partners, authorized resellers, licensees, and certified parties may be granted additional permissions or be subject to additional restrictions. If you are a LighthouseAI partner or licensee, please consult your agreement for specific requirements applicable to your use of the Marks. In the event of a conflict between your agreement and these Guidelines, the terms of your agreement control. LighthouseAI reserves the right to oppose any use of the Marks that LighthouseAI, in its sole discretion, deems unlawful or improper, even if such use is not expressly prohibited hereunder. These Guidelines may be updated from time to time. When we do, we will also revise the “Last revised” date at the top of these Guidelines.


You acknowledge that LighthouseAI is the sole owner of the Marks and agree not to interfere with LighthouseAI’s rights in and to the Marks, including challenging LighthouseAI’s use, registration of, or application to register the Marks, alone or in combination with other words, anywhere in the world, and that you will not harm, misuse, or bring into disrepute the Marks. The goodwill derived from using the Marks belongs exclusively to LighthouseAI. Except for the limited right to use as expressly permitted under these Guidelines, no other rights of any kind are granted hereunder, by implication or otherwise.

Prohibited Uses of LighthouseAI Trademarks

Unless otherwise provided in these Guidelines or in a separate agreement with LighthouseAI, use of LighthouseAI’s logos, company names, trademarks, service marks, product names, or images of LighthouseAI products by third parties in marketing, promotional, or advertising materials is prohibited. These Guidelines apply to use of marks that are the phonetic or foreign language equivalent, including translations and transliterations, of the Marks.

Company or Trade Names

You may not use or register the Marks as a company name or trade name or as part of such a name.

Third Party Product Names

You may not use the Marks as part of your product or service name without an express written agreement from LighthouseAI authorizing such use. If you are a licensee, consult your license agreement to determine whether and under what circumstances you may use the Marks in this manner.

Domain Names, Meta Tags, and Hidden Text

YOU MAY NOT INCORPORATE LIGHTHOUSEAI MARKS IN ANY DOMAIN NAME OR IN ANY META TAG OR OTHER HIDDEN TEXT IN A WEB PAGE. Any violation of this policy may result in immediate termination of any license, partnership, certification, reseller, or employment agreement, and/or in legal action.

Social Media

You may not use the Marks in connection with social media account names, profiles, monikers, avatars, or handles.


You may not register the Marks as Google AdWords or similar online advertising tools.

Publication Titles

You may not use the Marks in the title of online or printed magazines, periodicals, book series, and other serial publications without a license. See below for guidance on single-issue publications.

Merchandise and Promotional Items

You may not use the Marks on any merchandise or promotional items (e.g., t-shirts, mugs, pens) regardless of whether such items are sold or given away, or provided only to a limited or internal group of people (e.g., employees or customers) without a license.

Trade Dress

You may not use or imitate LighthouseAI’s trade dress, including the look and feel of LighthouseAI’s web properties, user interfaces, marketing materials, product packaging, font, color scheme, and any other imagery associated with LighthouseAI.

False or Derogatory Use

You may not use the Marks in a manner that depicts LighthouseAI or its products or services in a false or derogatory manner.

Permissible Uses of LighthouseAI Trademarks

LighthouseAI licenses the Marks for use with only the goods and services that meet LighthouseAI’s high quality-standards. LighthouseAI reserves the right to object to or prohibit at any time the use of the Marks in connection with goods or services that, in LighthouseAI’s sole opinion, fail to meet LighthouseAI’s standards of quality. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may use the Marks in the following manners only.

LighthouseAI Logos

UNLESS EXPRESSLY AUTHORIZED BY LIGHTHOUSEAI, ANY USE OF LIGHTHOUSEAI LOGOS IS PROHIBITED. If you have received authorization from LighthouseAI to use a LighthouseAI logo (i.e., pursuant to a license or a valid certification or

partnership agreement), you must adhere to the terms of your license or agreement, as well as the following requirements:

1. All LighthouseAI logos must be reproduced from materials supplied by LighthouseAI.

2. Never alter LighthouseAI logos.

3. Each representation of the LighthouseAI logo should be consistent, undistorted, and clear.

Compatibility with Third Party Products

LighthouseAI word marks (but not logos, including stylized word marks or other graphic depictions of the Marks) may be used in an informational context to inform consumers that a third-party product is compatible with the referenced LighthouseAI product, provided that such use complies with these Guidelines and the following requirements:

1. The LighthouseAI Mark is not part of the third-party product name.

2. The LighthouseAI Mark appears less prominently than the third-party product name.

3. The LighthouseAI Mark is used only in a referential context.

4. The third-party product is compatible with the specific LighthouseAI product or service referenced.

5. The use does not falsely imply a sponsorship, certification or endorsement by, or a partnership or affiliation with, LighthouseAI.

Educational and Informational Purposes

LighthouseAI word marks (but not logos, including stylized word marks or other graphic depictions of the Marks) may be used in an informational context to describe the subject matter of an educational or informational program, such as training presentations and “how-to” videos, provided that such use complies with these Guidelines and the following requirements:

1. The LighthouseAI Mark appears less prominently than the rest of the program title and is used only in a referential context.

2. The subject matter must relate to the specific LighthouseAI product or service referenced.

3. The use does not falsely imply a sponsorship, certification or endorsement by, or a partnership or affiliation with, LighthouseAI.

4. Any printed or online materials relating to the program must include proper trademark symbols, a trademark notice and attribution statement.

Noncommercial Websites

LighthouseAI word marks (but not logos, including stylized word marks or other graphic depictions of the Marks) may be used on websites that operate solely for a noncommercial, informational purpose concerning a LighthouseAI product or technology provided that such use complies with these Guidelines.

Publication Titles

LighthouseAI word marks (but not logos, including stylized word marks or other graphic depictions of the Marks) may be used in the title of single-issue publications, provided that such use complies with these Guidelines and the following requirements:

1. Your name, logo and/or trademark must appear more prominently than the LighthouseAI Mark.

2. Include on the publication and all related materials a trademark notice and attribution statement.

3. Use of the Marks must not suggest an endorsement, certification or sponsorship by, or partnership or affiliation with LighthouseAI.

Trademark Symbols

The Marks must be designated by the appropriate trademark symbols.

Trademark Notice and Attribution Statement

Any material displaying a LighthouseAI Mark must also include a notice and attribution statement.


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